Where Are We Today?
The idea of performing SCA's has been around for
25 years and it has been done in increasingly automated ways over that period. The
U.S. Dept. of Defense made good definitions of SCA over 15 years ago that set the
standard for what to look for in circuit analysis. SCA tools have evolved to the
point that the drudgery of entering schematics, netlists and component definitions
has been reduced. The analysis methodologies have also evolved in that what previously
was done manually can now be done quickly by common PC's and Workstations. The tool
limitations are generally that analysis is carried out on the topology of the circuits
and only DC circuits can be analyzed reliability. Rather complex circuits can certainly
be handled but much manual analysis and steering is required.
of SCA abound. Some are broad, some are narrow. Many focus on the specific type of
SCA that individual companies need at the time.
MIL-STD-1543B defines a Sneak
Condition as "anything that causes the occurrence of an unwanted function or
inhibits a desired function even though all components function properly." It
goes on to define Sneak Timing as "incompatible hardware or logical operational
sequences which can cause an undesirable function to occur or inhibit a desired function"
and Sneak Indicators as "circuits which allow improper operation or control
of sensors or their display devices that can indicate false or ambiguous system status".
can be seen, the definition of SCA is not limited to any particular type of circuit.
In fact, it implies that all power, control and information circuits are included.
It does not limit itself to DC, AC or digital circuits. It does not define the word
"circuit" either, the implication being that circuits coupled inductively,
capacitively or via other radiation coupling are included as well as traditional
point-to-point copper paths.
Interestingly enough, the definition limits
SCA to circuits in which the components are functioning normally. But 1543B recognizes
that circuits degrade with time and that components fail. A list of things a designer
should look for to eliminate certain common failures or limit the propagation of
failures is included in the Standard. A process called Design Concern Analysis (DCA)
is established which assures that these things are thoroughly reviewed. The attachment
to this paper summarizes many of the electrical problems that have caused trouble
in the past and the types of SCA and DCA evaluations that should be made to assure
that reliable electrical products are produced.
How Does SCA Fit Into
the Broader Engineering Function?
In the past, SCA generally was done by a
small group of specialized engineers. Very often it was sent out to one of the very
few companies who had SCA capability. Either way, information, schematics and notes
on how the circuits were intended to function were sent out of the engineering departments.
By definition, the design was well-advanced and expensive to change. What came back
was a report showing possible sneak circuits. The engineers made whatever changes
made sense. The SCA process was clearly not integrated into the overall engineering
flow in companies and therefore was just a snapshot of the condition of a design
at the time. Often the final designs never got re-analyzed because engineers felt
their "intuitive evaluations" of the changes were sufficient. As a result,
sneak circuits were designed-in or appeared after aging or common failures occurred.
have changed dramatically today. Government and engineering companies are demanding
first-time quality and shorter time to market processes. Consumers expect products
that work properly and recalls are very expensive in terms of real dollars and reputations.
SCA and associated analyses play an important part in this and to be most effective,
must be done continually during the design and testing process to assure that all
changes receive the same rigorous analysis as the original design. Doing SCA the
old way is not practical.
Furthermore, SCA as a stand-alone analytical function
using separate techniques and tools also is expensive and is becoming impractical.
Methodologies which make use of schematics, models, tools and component knowledge
bases which already are other part of the engineering process have high leverage
in improving the product and reducing cost. The highest leverage comes when SCA is
an integral part of the engineering design and optimization process and uses the
SAME tools. Clearly the most cost-effective approach is to settle on a tool, establish
a solid component and standard model library and then use it repeatedly for SCA,
DCA, FMEA and all sorts of design optimization.
DC, AC, Low Frequency,
High Frequency
As mentioned earlier, the need to do SCA is not limited to
DC circuits although the semi-automated tools available today generally limit themselves
to DC circuits or low-frequency AC circuits. That has served the big automotive and
aerospace industries nicely in the past because their vehicles used DC circuits almost
Older tools found sneak circuits by looking for certain topological
circuit types (H pattern, convergent and divergent nodes, etc.).and determining if
current direction in certain legs is proper under specified operating modes. In order
to analyze circuits with other topologies, a new approach is needed which does not
have such a topology limitation, does not rely on current direction and can handle
the effects of externally induced influences.
Today's modern circuits contain
more and more computers, digital logic, data buses and high frequency components.
Indeed even fiber optics is becoming pervasive because it is light, reliable and
noise-free. The SCA tools of the future will have the ability to handle these types
of technologies.
The Modern Approach
Integrated tools containing
sophisticated modeling and reasoning capabilities are the next leap forward in the
ability to analyze circuits and systems. The most sophisticated tool today is RODON
from R.O.S.E. Informatik. It is a mathematics-intensive tool that utilizes the power
of fast workstations and PC's to simulate and diagnose complex designs, including
modern electrical circuits and electronics. Possibly the most beneficial part is
that almost simultaneously RODON can perform many other parts of the Engineering
process including Design Concern Analysis, FMEA, FMECA and design optimization. While
SCA can be performed at any time during the life cycle, it has its greatest leverage
when used early to minimize hard redesigns after expensive schematics have been drawn
and prototypes are built.
The way RODON performs SCA is conceptually quite
simple, but the mathematics involved in achieving the result is complex and far beyond
other products today. Each electrical component in a circuit is modeled by defining
its transfer function from input to output for nominal AND fault operation. (Fault
operation for SCA in its purest form is not really required but who would want to
build models without installing the capability to do DCA, FMEA and optimization at
the same time?) The normal operating range based on component tolerances is also
defined. Components not only include switches, sensors, effectors, lights, etc.,
but also the wires and connectors which themselves are prone to failure. For circuits
that are susceptible to high-frequency coupling or the effects of radiation, these
phenomena can also be modeled at this time. The host computer then completes running
the simulation to evaluate circuit operation in all its operating modes which usually
is for all switch settings or commanded modes. For nominal component operation, anomalous
circuit function can then be traced to sneak circuit paths, outright faulty design
or bad component selection. When diagnosis is done with faulted components activated,
FMEA and identification of critical components results. The effects of typical user
or environmental damage like bent connector pins or corrosion can be seen instantly.
As component libraries (and even libraries of common building-block circuits)
are developed, the whole SCA and design analysis process becomes faster and faster
and the real long-term benefits of shorter time-to-market and fewer design flaws
detected late are realized.
Relation to other EDA Tools
When first
bringing RODON into an established engineering culture, it is clearly advantageous
to utilize as much existing technical data as possible. RODON contains convenient
interfaces to other common EDA tools in order that models and wiring lists can be
downloaded quickly with a minimum of manual intervention. This minimizes startup
After RODON has been integrated into the engineering process
and a reasonable model library has been established, the tool roles are reversed
and RODON begins to feed the tools in terms of component definitions, wiring lists
and in some cases, physical component layout.
Products of SCA are only part
of the result of using RODON. Anything that needs data from the knowledge base can
get it through the standard API capability. This will generally be diagnostic information
for use in field testing, preparing user documentation and follow-on design evolution
and enhancement.
A great deal has been written about the
advantages of using Model-Based Reasoning in many places in the engineering process.
SCA and its relatives are a natural extension of the use of MBR during the design
process to detect and correct problems which later could be expensive to fix or which
would compromise the product in the field. RODON is far and away the leader in this
area because of its deep mathematical capability to find problems under a broad range
of operating circumstances without regard to the type of technology that is involved.
The following information was summarized
from MIL-STD-1543B. It provides some excellent information about the total set of
electrical analyses that can be done to maximize the reliability of a design. It
goes far beyond SCA but much of it can still be part of the automated analysis that
is within the capability of rodon. While this information is available to everyone,
it is often not conveniently located. Scanning through it will help engineers visualize
the "big picture" of the overall electrical analysis issue.
Concern Analysis
Identify design weaknesses which can manifest themselves
as failures or degraded performance during the useful life of the system. Identify
design weaknesses such as:
* Inadequate redundancy provisions
* Timing
* Out-of-specification operating modes
* Improperly applied
* Unnecessary components
* Other concerns developed by designer
specific to the product
Circuit and Item Stress Analysis
Examine the
effects of component and circuit parameter tolerances and parasitic parameters over
the range of specified operating life and conditions and to ensure compliance to
approved parts derating criteria. Perform sensitivity analyses which relate the parts
operation and stress to circuits, modules, components, subsystems and system performance
as they are influenced by:
* Maximum input and output variation
* Maximum
line voltage variations and line transients
* Maximum part parameter variation
Maximum performance demands and variations
* Maximum and minimum environment conditions
Fail safe provisions
* Redundancy provisions
* Radiation effects, as applicable
Parameter drift due to aging
* Transients due to turn-on, turn-off and state changes
Fatigue due to cyclical loading
This amounts to worst-case analysis of reasonable
combinations of component tolerance buildup.
Sneak Analysis Functional
Clue List
The following list contains questions that electrical design engineers
should ask themselves from a functional point-of-view as they analyze the data provided
by their tools:
* Do functions perform as intended?
* Are all functions
and grounds compatible with the power sources?
* Is power available when required
to activate a function
* Are connected grounds compatible?
* Are connected
power sources from different power buses, i.e., is there a potential power-to-power
* Can any function be activated inadvertently or at incorrect times?
Are there undesired effects when a current or energy path is unintentionally opened
or closed?
* Can any combination of functions be activated by an unintended current
or energy path?
Design Clue List
The following list contains questions
that electrical design engineers should ask themselves from a design point-of-view
as they analyze the data provided by their tools:
Sneak Paths
Are signals apparently routed to unintended places? Is there an apparent reversal
of polarity or phase between signals?
* Can an operational amplifier be driven
into saturation unintentionally?
* Are totem pole outputs of digital devices
connected together?
* Do circuits containing symmetry have any asymmetric elements
or paths?
* Are grounds mixed in the same circuit?
* Are digital circuitry,
relays, or squibs on the same ground?
* Is the isolation inadequate between tied
power sources of different potential?
* Are power supply and associated grounds
at different reference points?
* Are there any undesired capacitor discharge paths?
Are there momentary undesired current paths present during change of state or switching
Sneak Timing
* Do circuits experience unintended modes or
false outputs during power-up?
* Do digital signals sharing a common source and
load split and later recombine?
* Are consecutive digital devices powered from
different supplies?
* Are noise margin limits exceeded for digital devices?
Do resistor-capacitor networks in digital circuits provide the required characteristics,
such as pulse width and switching speed?
* Do large resistor-capacitor time constants
cause excessive rise or fall times in switching circuits?
* Are there momentary
undesired current paths during change-of-state of switches?
* Do relay coils have
a single standard diode with a zener diode in series for transient suppression?
Does high output impedance of transistor-to-transistor logic (TTL) devices cause
an excessive resistor-capacitor time constant?
* Are there any ground paths to
transistor-to-transistor logic (TTL) device inputs (momentary or otherwise) which
can turn the device on?
* Does turn-on, turn-off or open-close timing of any device
cause a problem in its application?
* Are there timing gaps (break-before-make)
or overlaps (make-before-break) in switching circuits?
* Are command lines adjacent
to power lines?
* Does the capacitance of a line cause excessive "skew"
of the signal in it?
Sneak Conditions
* Does an indicator monitor a
command of a function rather the function itself?
* Does an indicator circuit
depend upon the function it monitors for p
roper operation?
* Does a load perform an undesired function?
* Can a press-to-test
circuit energize a circuit?
Potential Design Concerns
* Do uncommitted
switching device outputs drive other switching circuitry?
* Is there a ground-to-output
on transistor-to-transistor logic (TTL) devices?
* Do compatibility requirements
differ at the interface of two integrated circuit technologies?
* Is fan-out of
digital devices exceeded?
* Are input voltage or current requirements to semiconductor
devices exceeded?
* Is any circuitry unused or unnecessary?
* Are any relay
coils unsuppressed?
* Are any test points unprotected, i.e., lacking isolation
* Do amplifiers or comparators have capacitors greater than 0.1 microfarads
connected from input to ground or as feedback elements without series limiting resistance?
Do comparators have capacitors greater than 0.1 microfarads connected from output
to ground without series limiting resistance?
* Do operational amplifier inputs
see. unequal impedance?
* Do spare inputs of integrated circuit devices have open
circuit inputs?
* Do complimentary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices have
inputs feeding off the circuit card without pull-up or pull-down resistors?
Do large scale transistor-to- transistor logic (TTL) devices have spare inputs connected
to used inputs of the same gate?
* Are differentiator circuits used?
* Do
integrated circuit devices or transistor-to-transistor logic (TTL) devices have any
open inputs or gates.
* Do operational amplifiers lack bias current resistors
or have resistors with improper values?
* Are any unused operational amplifiers
not in a unity gain configuration with all inputs grounded?
* Do relay coils have
single standard diodes for transient suppression?
* Is the noise margin less than
0.5 volts at inputs for large scale type logic devices?
* Is a transistor operating
in the saturated region?
* Are any digital devices improperly biased?
* Do
any capacitors have maximum charge or discharge currents that can damage other components?
Is Vin of an integrated circuit greater than Vcc?
* Are any integrated circuit
input. or outputs unsuppressed?
* Is available energy insufficient to "blow"
a squib component?
* After firing, can the squib component short or open?
Is static energy protection for squib components lacking?
* Is "no-fire"
current protection lacking for squib components during checkout test?
* Is a squib
component without a current limiting resistor?
* Can the forward resistance of
a diode affect charging and discharging times?
* Are there potential reverse voltages
which can damage tantalum capacitors?
* Can a semiconductor controlled rectifier
turn on prematurely?
* Are lamps without isolation fuses?
* Can "cross-talk"
adversely affect signals in adjacent wires?
* Are power switching transistors
subject to damage of inductive switching spikes?
Drawing Errors
* Are
any devices shown with power, signal, or ground connections missing?
* Do parts,
components or interfaces on a drawing disagree with other drawings that represent
different indenture levels or are continuation sheets?
* Does the parts list disagree
with the drawings?
* Is a tantalum capacitor shown connected incorrectly?
Is there a lack of dynamic stability?
* Are there deficient parts as evidenced
a. Failures of a generic or chronic character
b. Limited capability substitute
c. Over-stressed parts
* Is there a single multi-pole relay carrying
redundant functions?
* Is there unintended thermal coupling between high dissipation
or heat sensitive elements?
* Are harnesses, connectors, and tie points shared
in common by otherwise redundant paths?
* Are there sympathetically induced failures
such as common heat sink and electrical path for transistors, rectifiers, and blocking
* Are redundancy paths integrated into a common multi-layer printed circuit
* Is redundancy negated due to sneak paths embodied in sensors or signal
processing circuits?
* Does command logic and execution hardware form a single
point failure site for pyrotechnic or ordnance devices?
* Is there sharing of
* Is there sharing of redundant items, such as:
a. Common power supplies
or converters
b. Common power lines and returns
c. Jumpered signal points
d. Common printed wire traces
e. Common connectors and pins
* Are multi-function
parts, such as dual transistors. dual integrated circuits, or quad integrated circuits
shared in redundant paths or alternate modes of operation?
* Are printed circuit
board traces and wires properly derated?
* Are there common line decoupling capacitors?
Are there single line decoupling capacitors or blocking diodes?
* Could there
be structural or mechanical failure of housings (and support structure) containing
redundant items?
* Are there microwave device failure modes which degrade electrical
performance of companion redundant devices via poor isolation, high voltage standing
wave ratio, or noise generation?
* Are there common jacks, pins, and connectors
on splitters or dividers upstream from redundant items?
* Can a failure in one
experiment result in spacecraft failure in multiple payload spacecraft?
* Is there
exposure of redundant elements to a single failure stimulus?
* Is there an inability
to detect a failed item?
* Can erroneous commands be induced by human error or
* Can test equipment or other ACE induced failures?
* Are there overstress
mechanical failures?
* Are there overstress electrical failures?
* Are there
overstress thermal or cyclic failures?
* Are there corrosion, electrochemical,
or physicochemical failures?
* Are there contamination, plume impingement, outgassing
and related failures?
* Have the effect of fluid sloshing been properly addressed?
Have the inertial and coupling effects of masses been properly addressed?
* Is
there adequate venting?
* Has the possibility of multipacting breakdown been properly
* Has the possibility of corona breakdown been properly addressed?
Has the possibility of fatigue been properly addressed?
* Is there inadequate
shielding or improper parts application that may lead to radiation damage?
* Are
there microwave material or construction deficiencies resulting in generation of
intermodulation products (IMP).
* Can events which terminate or seriously degrade
performance or which constitute a safety hazard be caused by fewer than two distinct
* Are there inadequate keying, clocking, size variations, or harness
installations permitting crossmating of printed circuit boards, electrical, hydraulic,
ordnance or other connectors?
* Can there be a repeat of past design weaknesses
due to inadequate review of available histories of similar equipment and designs?
Can there be electromagnetic compatibility or electromagnetic interference failures?
October 1996
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